Munich Sourdough Bread

Munich Sourdough Bread


Version: 1.1
Herkunft: Sebastian

Ingredients for the Sourdough part  (for 2 small-medium breads):
400 g rye flour (1370 or 1150)
400 ml water
30 g „Anstellgut“

Ingredients for the bread (für 2 kleine Kastenbrote):
800 g Sourdough
350 g rye flour (1370 or 1150)
100 g flour 405
150 g sunflower seeds (roasted and minzed)
150 ml water (for soaking the sunflower seeds)
150 ml water (for the dough)
20 g salt
7 g dried yeast

Recipe for the Sourdough:
– Mix the ingredients for the Sourdough and leave it for 12 to 24 hours on a warm place. If you followed the „Sourdough in 4 Days“ Guide you can skip this step.

After 12-24 hours:
– roast and mince the sunflower seads
– soak it for 1 hour in 150 ml water

After 1 hour:
– mix all ingredients and mix it very intensly (it should not be fluid at all). The consistence is like chewing gum (chewed)
– fill it in small buttered cake forms – (2 forms – something like 30cm x10 cm)
– put it in the oven by 50° C with a bowl of water until the dough doubles in size (around 1 or 2 hours)
– take bread and waterbowl out of the oven
– heat up the oven to 250° C
– bake the bread for 15 minutes at 250° C
– decrease the temperatur to 180 C° and add the waterbowl
– bake for 30 minutes

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